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1000 Questions For Couples

One of the biggest reason marriages end in divorce is because couples fail to ask the big questions before they walk down the aisle.

If couples simply spent some time asking each other the questions that really matter, they'd greatly increase their chances of staying together.

The great thing about a "question book" is that it makes it easier to ask those difficult questions and encourages an environment to address them.

But is Michael Webb's "1000 Questions For Couples" the right book for this?

In short, yes. Most question books 'beat around the bush,' never really providing the important questions, and others simply don't have enough questions.

On the other hand, Webb has put together the most comprehensive collection of questions, covering every single topic you'd ever want to know about before tying the knot.

It includes tough subjects like money, children & child rearing, career, past and present relationships, religion, morals, convictions & beliefs, personality, and even sex.

But don't get me wrong ­ while there are many serious and tough topics to discuss, there are also many "lighter" yet just as important topics, including the car and driving, vacations, food and well being, pets, and your favorite things.

That's one thing I really loved about this book. It covered every conceivable topic from the super serious to the light-hearted and fun, making it easy for couples to start with easy questions and build their way up to important ones.

Also, a great bonus is having the ability to deliver 3 - 5 of the questions to my email each day, making everything automatic. I just go about my day and get new questions to ask my loved one, without having to really think about it.

In all, there's nothing really negative I can say about this book. It delivers exactly what it says and covers every question you would ever want to ask your loved one.

We highly recommend this book for everyone. NOT just couples who are thinking of getting married but also couples who just want to feel closer together, or people dating, who just want more things to talk about.  Why don't you check this ?

Here are the topics the 1000 questions are divided into: 
Personality, Feelings & Emotions
Health, Food & Well Being
Morals, Convictions and Beliefs
Religion & Spiritual Matters
Car & Driver Holidays & Celebrations
Home & Home Life
Past & Future
Hobbies & Entertainment
Love, Romance & Date Nights
Friends & Family
Career and Education
Relationships – Past & Present
Children & Child Rearing
Wedding & Honeymoon

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Thinking of Tying The Knot?

5 Tips To Make Sure You Stay Together

Did you know that love does NOT conquer all?

You see, often people get married with the idea that their “chemistry” or undying love for each other will keep them together forever.

However, with almost 50% of marriages ending in divorce these days, it’s obvious that this isn’t the case. Therefore, it pays to know a few little secrets before getting married.

Here are 5 tips that help keep couples together long after tying the knot:


Over the years, people often drift apart or relationships and marriages become stale because couples fail to do new and special things together.

That's why going on new and refreshing dates is so important. In fact, there is something about “dating” that creates a sense of magic in a relationship and can even bring relationships out of a rut.

While on a date, you also put more effort into your appearance, have more uninterrupted time to communicate on a deeper level and are naturally drawn closer together.

Stuck for ideas? Spend the day at the aquarium, zoo, museum, carnival, bookstore, beach or park.


It’s a well-documented statistic that couples who have dated for a year or longer before marriage have a significantly lower rate of divorce than those who married after a short dating period.

A year of dating gives time for many emotions to surface and many character traits to be discovered. You may adore someone in the spring, but despise him or her in the winter.

Asking someone for his or her hand in marriage on the third date isn't romantic. It's gambling.


Oftentimes, as a relationship matures, partners tend to stop praising each other because they 'assume' their partner already knows what they're thinking.

When in reality, a day should never go by without you praising your partner. Compliment them on their cooking, reaffirm that they're the greatest person in the world or tell them they’re a wonderful role model. If you want to be loved and romanced by your sweetheart, love and romance them first. When they're feeling loved, it is much easier to love in return.

Are you a super supporter of what your mate does and says? So do you cheer them on and praise them constantly? Or do they constantly hear boos or silence?


Couples with the most problems are often the ones that say, "I just don't understand him/her."

So let me ask you: How knowledgeable are you about your mate's profession or the degree they are pursuing? Do you know anything about his or her family heritage? Are you able to have a meaningful conversation about her cross-stitch hobby or his interest in rugby? If you are a man, do you fully understand what women experience during PMS or menopause?

You don't need to be identical, but make an effort to learn about the things that interest your partner in life and you'll grow closer as a result.


Does your partner want kids? Do you both want careers? Do they have a history of spending their way into debt? Do they go to church?

In my opinion, the biggest reason almost half of marriages end in divorce is because couples fail to ask each other the right questions BEFORE they get married.

I guess people think they'll be able to change their spouses after marriage and everything will be better. Wrong. If you fail to sit down and discuss finances, religion, sex, housing, your future, and other topics in great detail, you could end up with nothing but argument after argument for the rest of your days.

In the end, if you both have completely different views, desires and goals in life, there’s no guarantee that chemistry or "I love you’s" will help you stay together.

Make it your utmost priority to understand each other 'inside-out' BEFORE you take that walk down the aisle.

About the author:

Michael Webb is the author of “1000 Questions For Couples" the most comprehensive book of questions that all couples should ask before getting married. Covering lovemaking, religion, careers, money, children & raising them, household work,
personalities, the future and much much more.

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